Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simple dinner and sour cherry cobbler redux - Rose style

The weather has finally cooled down enough where it's tolerable to turn on the oven.  And on this long rainy day, we got out of the office in just enough time to pick up some fillets of tilapia from Seafood Landing.  It was late for dinner, so simplicity was key.  The tilapia went into the oven, under a pile of parboiled potatoes, artichoke hearts, olives, and herbs, a smattering of olive oil and lemon juice, and wrapped in an aluminum foil pouch.  (Recognize these ingredients?)
I like this method of cooking fish because it feels like I'm luxuriously roughing it.  It's only one step away from how I like to eat when camping, the only difference being that I used an oven rather than the coals from a fire.  That and the fact that I shall sleep in a warm, dry bed tonight.
While the fish cooked, I explored the gardens.  In the hot spell that preceded today's rain, we got another flush of peas!  They were so perfect, and so I made quick work of shelling them.  One for me, one for the little dog, one for the bowl.
Paired with our abundance of mint and scallions, nothing could be more delightful.
Dinner came and went quickly, lingering only long enough to grace our palates.  Mr. Rose went back to work and I opened the fridge to explore my options.  Ku had returned from Peru to find more sour cherries adorning the forbidden HOA tree.  She brought enough for another sour cherry cobbler.  So I "rose" to the occasion and decided to give this one a twist -- a few dashes of rose water.
A refreshingly tangy flavor, with the floral essence of roses.  I think this is what cherry blossoms would taste like if you could capture a flavor from those beautiful pink petals.  And the smell is divine. Waiting on this cobbler was torture.
I briefly entertained bringing this in for my lunch hour meeting with folks in my office, but, frankly, I'm not sure I like those guys enough.  This might be something exclusively for Mr. Rose and me.


Word. Just say it.